Remedial Massage Therapy

Massage 2A range of manual massage techniques to address soft tissue dysfunction. Pressure can be light, medium or hard to match what your body responds to. Whether you are getting headaches through to sciatic pain, remedial massage releases your muscles to give you relief.

Relaxation Massage


The use of a gentle, flowing manual technique to ease the tension from your muscles, leaving you calm and relaxed. By taking a moment out for yourself, you can improve your outlook on life and the way you respond to those challenges that pop up every day.

Pregnancy Massage

Nurture your body as you nurture the life growing inside of you. With a specialised pregnancy pillow you are able to lay comfortably on your stomach without putting pressure on your baby. Allow your body to relax completely with confidence that Naedene knows how to safely massage your body during this magical time.

Lymphatic Drainage

A gentle and slow technique to relax your mind and body. During your Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage you are face up as the therapist moves excess, superficial fluid back to your heart. This technique sends the lymphatic fluid through your lymph nodes or glands swiftly, stimulating your immune system, and aiding detoxification.